In the first post about Total Depravity (Total Depravity – Part 1) i gave this definition: The doctrine of total depravity asserts that people are by nature not inclined or even able to love God wholly with heart, mind, and strength, but rather all are inclined by nature to serve their own will and desires and to reject the rule of God. I want to try to cover 2 things in this post: 1) give scripture which forms the basis for the idea of Total Depravity and 2) explain a bit about the misnomer of Total Depravity and what it doesn’t […]
Total Depravity – Part 1
I’ve decided to make this a multi-part post for several reasons: it is easier for me to write this in chunks and it will be easier (shorter) to read the post in sections, but most importantly, any discussion that comes from the ideas in these posts can be easily aimed to the relevant post instead of being jumbled together in one very large post. I am not a theologian, nor do i play one on television. In fact, one of the ways that God has gifted me is the ability to take complex ideas (theology, audio, computer, tech stuff, etc) […]
What Does “Christian” Mean in Our Society
The post below is from May of 2014 by Ed Stetzer at i am copying it in its entirety because it ties in directly with the post i made last week Can Music, Art or Books be “Christian” This post reinforces the idea that the adjective “Christian”, because of its cultural and nominal use has lost much of its meaning. It then goes on to draw inferences about what this means for the future. Ed Stetzer’s blog begins below. What trends must we consider when it comes to the state of the church in America? Despite what many think, the […]
Can Music, Art or Books be “Christian”
Formulating my thoughts on this topic in a coherent way has been a struggle. My gut tells me the answer to the above question is NO. However, explaining what i mean by that and why the answer is no is a very complex thing. I asserted my position on this in a Facebook post back in October of 2014. A friend challenged me to explain and i promised him an answer. I’ve been putting this off for 6 months because i am fully aware that many will not understand what i am trying to say, and i am struggling with […]